Adding Google Search to your blog

I myself find out that Blogger Search engine is not good . Its result is not accuracy . I search for a term but it give me some posts that is not related to what I search . I don't know why . Many peoples tell me something like that .So I switch to Google search . When your blog is crawled by Google Search engine ,it can search for whole blog with a high accuracy .
To adding Google search to blog ,many people know how ,but in this post ,I still want to write it down . Hope it useful to newbie ^^

1, First ,login to your blog ,and create a Page  ,leave content blank and name it "search result"  ,you will have a page with url like that http://your

NhamNgaHanh is the founder and editor in chief of SimplexDesign blog ,a blog on Blogger tips ,tricks ,designer resources and many premium Blogger templates for free use.